Palm Beach Martial Arts

At Quantum Marital Arts & Boxing, we want to help you be the best you can possibly be. That’s why our Adult Martial Arts program uses fitness-focused training methods to help instill positive personal growth, taking your goals into account, and to help you become mentally and physically healthier. We are the West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens area’s best program for building your overall fitness, learning practical self-defense, and improving strength and mobility.

Are you ready to see how adult martial arts classes can change your life? 

Our Adult Martial Arts Classes Offer A Comprehensive Health Program

Training in the martial arts offers a blend of mental, physical, and spiritual benefits. By beginning your journey with our karate classes, you’ll have the opportunity to take on sustainable weight loss and increased muscle gain, plus reduced stress and anxiety. Our Adult Martial Arts program also teaches real-world self-defense skills and will help you enjoy boosted energy in everyday life and better sleep. What’s not to love?

Join us in Lake Park and get Adult Martial Arts that will:
  • Help you lose weight and build lasting fitness
  • Reduce your stress and anxiety levels, increasing your overall happiness
  • Teach you practical self-defense for any situation
  • Give you access to professional mentors and an amazing community

Our Adult Martial Arts classes use traditional karate training to help you be the best you can possibly be. By enrolling in your first class, you take the first step toward better healthimproved fitness, and a happier lifestyle!

North Palm Beach’s Best Adult Karate/Taekwondo Is Here To Help You Succeed!

Stop by and consult with one of our instructors or give us a call — we’re happy to talk through your individual needs and advise you on how we can help you achieve your goals. Our staff has helped hundreds of people from around West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens accomplish sustainable fitness and work toward their black belts! Quantum Martial Arts & Boxing is the top choice for excellent martial arts training.


It really seems simple right? Just show up. It is a simple idea, and it is really easy to do – when everything is new ad fresh, or you are starting to make real money and see the fruits of your labor and the object of your dreams come to life. It is far harder to show up physically, mentally, and emotionally, when the ball stops rolling and enrollment is dropping, and you have two days left to make payroll and you can’t quite pay yourself and your staff, so you are planning on cutting your own check (because you always pay your staff no matter what!) That’s when its’s hard to show up! But that’s when it counts the most!


Showing up is an act of faith. I’m not talking strictly in spiritual terms, (although I am spiritual and I do believe that showing up is a spiritual act of faith.) Showing up when times are tough and stress is high is an act of faith in yourself and in your business. You have to believe and to truly believe, your faith has to have action behind it. “Pray and move your feet” as the Quakers say. As this world is shifting and changing at light speed and what used to work is long dead and gone, you need to keep showing up. Here are my three steps to showing up physically, mentally, and emotionally.


  1. Start your day in gratitude.  Sit down and write out a list of everything you are thankful for personally and professionally. This first step will keep you from falling into “victim mentality” and “woe as me” syndrome. The problem with pity parties is that only the worst people show up and the only thing to eat tastes like shit!
  2. Before you start your work day, write out your standards (what you need to feel fulfilled in life), your goals (long and short term both personal and work related), and your daily to do list.
  3. Get to work on the least enjoyable and most difficult task first. Then work until it’s done and check off as many items as possible during the day. Every time you find yourself frozen with frustration or fear, or starting to float on the sea of stress, go back to your list and get back to work.

Focus your mind, plan your day, work until it’s done so that you are productive and not just busy, and show up! These are acts of faith in yourself and your dream that when taken will get you through the valleys and back up on top!


Matt Pasquinilli – On the treadmill, showing up, showing out, getting work done!


Show up ready to work, physically, mentally, emotionally, in your professional martial arts school.


One of the biggest challenges that your professional martial arts school will face, will happen when you have one or more employee. Solve the problem from the start and you will grow. Don’t address it and you will never grow to where you want, and you will go crazy constantly putting out fires.

Employee training seems simple. Put them in a room and tell them how to do their job. Every once in a while, get them all in the same room and tell them how to do a better job. This is a good start but you will fall far short of running a professional and meaningful martial arts school of this is the extent of how you handle staff training.

Your students will quit for one of the following reasons. First, they quit when they stop making consistent progress toward a well identified (by you) goal. This means they need to know how to get to the next level, where they are now, and where to get help. Second, they quit because they don’t feel welcome in your program. They need to be greeted every single class by name and get smiled at and thanked for coming to class, at a minimum. Third, they quit because they do t feel heard. They are struggling and feel like you don’t acknowledge or care when they seek your help, or their parents have unanswered concerns that you have not addressed to their satisfaction or at all! The answer to all three problems is a great system that runs your school, great people who run your system, and you holding your people (and yourself) accountable to the system.

You have to start creating and documenting the system from the very start of the school when you are doing everything yourself. As soon as you get an area of your school’s operation systemized, you hire and train a smart and nice person how to run that part of the system. Then you have to regularly, as often as possible when that system as direct contact with members (meaning your front desk, enrollment, and teaching staff,) less often is ok with the system that cleans and runs the back office.

This is a very general and global concept. How you do it is important and if you need help, just reach out to me at I would love to help you! No matter how you do it though, you will get stuck hard and fast if you don’t build a system to run your business, hire people to run the system, and become the accountability coach for your people.

Matt Pasquinilli – Written on the treadmill